It is clear that outdoor activities are rewarding when the equipment is in order. It's a joy to enjoy nature when the rain and wind don't get through your clothes. Or when there is enough warmth under the layers of clothing, and the cold does not steal smiles.
But at the same time, it is clear that the negative environmental effects of the clothing industry are significant, and the constant acquisition of even new hiking clothes is not justified to any extent - let alone reasonable. The human rights issues of production and other aspects of responsibility also have their own chapter.
But how do you know what to buy? How can you act responsibly? What is legitimate? How to find a balance? What can be done to help others?
Responsibility in clothing purchases raises many questions and plenty of answers, but it is also important to understand that no one needs to be perfect immediately. It is a big cliché to say that every small step is important. But this is definitely true.
In this article, five such small steps are presented, with the help of which everyone can move even a little towards a better world.

1. Buy wisely
The first step towards more responsible consumption is consideration. You shouldn't buy for nothing. And not bad.
With good luck, you can find great products used, but what you buy also plays a big role in purchasing a new one: When you purchase responsibly produced, high-quality and durable products, you can reduce a significant part of the resulting environmental burden. When the product lasts for many years and is used by several children, it pays for itself many times over - in many ways.
And when the production of the product has already used e.g. recycled materials, manages to keep the carbon footprint moderate.
You can read about Olkia's responsibility at .

2. Recycle
When you have acquired a high-quality product, it also lasts a long time. And when the product lasts for a long time, more people have time to enjoy it - especially for children.
As children grow, the lifespan of products for one person will inevitably be limited, but fortunately, clothes and shoes can continue their life with subsequent users.
One easy recycling channel for high-quality clothes is Finland's largest second-hand online store, Emmy. Through Emmy, anyone can sell and buy quality products in good condition, thus saving both nature and their wallet.
Because Olkia wants to encourage everyone to consume responsibly, it - in addition to selling only high-quality products - also works as Emmy's partner.
As a customer benefit, Olkia offers free Emmy deliveries to those who sell their old products, as well as the possibility of an additional 10 percent return, if Emmy sales profits are used for an Olkia gift card. (Read more at .)

3. Maintain and repair
High-quality lasts a long time, but despite this, the best wool may pill and the knees of even the most durable pants may wear out. With each product, it is important to take good care of them, treat them correctly and understand the importance of repair.
The holes are easy to patch with ready-made patch stickers, and the knots can be removed with a lint cutter. It is a good idea to wash clothes with the detergent intended for each material and at the right temperature - and only when there is a real need.
Olkia's selection also includes various textile care and repair products, see products .

4. Help
In addition to the fact that Olkia wants to be involved in reducing the climate burden (by encouraging recycling and clothing maintenance and by selling only responsible quality products), it also wants to do its part to enable even more equal opportunities for outdoor activities for all children.
In addition to the Emmy partnership, Olkia cooperates with the Hope charity. At least 1% of every Olkia Play purchase is donated through Hope to needy families with children - either in money or in products (see ). The donation is given every six months, and most recently at the end of September, Olkia donated more than 500 euros worth of new outdoor jackets, pants and beanies to young people whose clothes are in constant shortage in the organization's client families.
We too have been recycling all our children's clothes and shoes that have become small and still in good condition through Hope for those children who otherwise would not have the opportunity to have them. It has been a great pleasure to be able to help.

5. Support a domestic small entrepreneur
It is also a pleasure to be able to help small domestic entrepreneurs by concentrating clothing purchases on Finnish companies. Not everything is manufactured in Finland, but almost everything is sold here. Olkia is a good example of a small domestic company that wants to do good - and to whom it also wants to do good.
In addition to foreign quality brands (e.g. Fjällräven, Picture Organic, SIGG), Olkia's selection includes several Finnish products (e.g. Halti, Reima, Superyellow, VAI-KO).
By buying Finnish, you support domestic products. But also by buying from SuomalaiSELTA, you support domestic ones.

Clothes in the pictures: Superyellow COAST cotton beanie (navy & jade), Makia Noel Beanie cotton beanie (black), Didriksons Corin Kid's Full-zip softshell hoodie (dive blue), Helly Hansen Jr Champ Half-zip Midlayer fleece anorak, Fjällräven Kids Vidda Trousers outdoor pants (blue mountain), Huippu Jr Re-down II jacket light down jacket (black) and Fort Jr Dx Shell pants outdoor pants (black).
Photos: Johanna Kleemola / Outdoor Family
Author – Johanna Kleemola / Outdoor Family
Johanna Kleemola is a mother of three from Espoo. He has more than 20 years of background in the field of communications, e.g. from the jobs of journalist and communication consultant. You can follow the outdoor life of Johanna and her family on IG and at .

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