Gear Aid

      Gear Aid offers everything that only an outdoor enthusiast could need to repair and maintain clothing and equipment. Since 1981, Gear Aid's goal has been to maximize the life of outdoor gear by teaching adventurers how to use their DIY repair and maintenance products. Gear Aid's headquarters is located in Bellingham, Washington, which is close to great outdoor opportunities, from fishing and sailing to hiking and snowboarding. The Pacific Northwest is the perfect testing environment for all of Gear Aid's products, because it rains about 900 mm a year - places and seams are therefore put to the real test.

      In Olkia's selection, you can find Gear Aid's basic products, which you can use to fix tears in tops and outerwear, as well as leaky tents and rubber boots. Over time, outdoor gear becomes part of your story, as each place shows where you've been and what you've conquered. By maintaining your equipment, you spend less and save money, and you keep the equipment out of landfills.
      3 products